Autumn in Stuttgart

Ok, my boss sent me to Stuttgart for another short trip which was deemed rather necessary judging on how things had unfolded around here lately. It was a really short trip, but I have been lacking in internet access and email so I'm actually glad to be back.

It was already autumn and the weather is gloomy, as usual. At 2c to 10c 'hottest' plus the windchill I could barely go out of buildings to take these pics.

Lavender, though the greens are fading,
you can still smell the faint lavender you always found in made in China,
melamine laced, cheap soaps.

Nothing is eye catching during the day,
so I walked ( and walked) and walked, wandering aimlessly.
Maybe I could find something interesting in this wilderness.

I saw an old couple walking,
perhaps enjoying the little sunlight that is still available,
preparing for the harsh winter ahead.

They probably should come to Penang.

Two giant statues guarding the super long ( few km's)
walkway leading to a royal park
(Rosenstein park, iinm).

The neverending road, covered with super tall and old trees.

Ah, it's already autumn.

1 comment:

Robin Wong said...

Finally some pics ahahah...
there was a lavender bush, quite a huge one in front of the place i stayed in perth previously. Every morning there would be bees buzzing around busily.
Too bad no DSLR back then ahahhaha....
my other friends always come and pluck the lavenders, God knows what medicine or voodoo stuff they use it for.